I want to welcome you to this Ethics Briefing. Its important purpose is to help all University employees raise their awareness about the Statement of Ethical Values and the Standards of Ethical Conduct that were adopted by The Regents in May of 2005. Of course, the University has always endorsed the highest level of ethical standards and behavior. But in today's climate it is clear that all institutions, and especially those that derive their support from the public, need to do more to demonstrate their commitment to ethical behavior in everything we do. I've been through this briefing myself. And I think it's important that we're all going through this same material together to give us a common frame of reference for further dialogue about ethical behavior at UC. I liked it because it reminded me just how important it is to keep these values and standards in the forefront of our thinking as we go about our daily work. Every decision we make and action we take needs to be grounded in these core values and standards. The Regents and I need your help to ensure that the entire University meets the highest expectations of California as we carry out our mission of teaching, research and public service. Thank you for all you do to make the University of California great.