I managed to go by Something Pacific (by Nam June Paik in 1986) numerous times before I ever noticed it. In fact, the first time I expressly looked for it, I couldn't find it. Its entirety is a few foot-high statues watching concrete-filled 1950s televisions, placed in on a lawn. It is a fairly unimpressive work, considering that the artist was a video artist. The televisions don't function. Anyone can put televisions out on a lawn. I'm serious about this. A video artist is worthy due to what s/he has the televisions show. Using the standards of this work, I could be a paint artist by putting empty cans of paint out in the middle of a lawn. See! Paint cans! On a lawn! I'm a painter!
Perhaps the only redeeming quality of this art is that you actually have to slow down to notice it. Overall, this is a sub-par entry in the Stuart Collection, in my opinion.
(p.s. If you go to the official page for this item you'll see that in the lobby of the Media Center there are some functional televisions. This doesn't excuse the lameness of the outdoor part.)