Barbra Streisand – Guilty

I've decided to begin listening to the number one album from 30 years ago each week and then write a little bit about it here. Why isn't terribly important, other than it will hopefully be mostly entertaining, always enlightening, and occasionally fruitful. However, here are a few reasons. I recently had my 31st birthday, and birthdays are always opportunities to ponder the passage of time. Presumably, I should have then decided to look back 31 years, but that makes the math harder (and thinking hurts) so I'll keep it at 30 years. Looking at the current top list of albums, much of it is stuff I definitely wouldn't listen to on my own volition. I doubt that in 30 years it will be judged to be any higher quality. In this sense, I could do this exercise with current music. But by going back in time I'm, exposing myself to new music that isn't currently on the radio (for the most part), so it has extra novelty. I already know the general direction of popular music over the last 30 years, so it will be interesting to see the progression in more detail with this foreknowledge.

I haven't fully fleshed out the rules of this. For example, if an album is number one for more than one week, I think I'll drop down to the second place album, or beyond. There will be other rules about if I've already listened to an album (for example if it oscillates up and down from number one).

This week I listened to Barbra Streisand - Guilty. The fact that this is the first album in this experiment made it very difficult to begin. I was not a fan of her work, and my opinion hasn't been improved.

First some observations about this album. The cover shows Barbra with Barry Gibb, of the Bee Gees. They sing duets on two of the nine of the tracks, which seems to be an awfully low ratio for him to be featured on the cover*. Also, he doesn't really sing in his trademarked joyful falsetto, which is more false advertising. To me, that's 100% of his appeal, so without it, who cares? Furthermore, I'm not clear what anyone is guilty of in this album, besides being boring and uninspiring.

A few of songs have enough to them that the could serve as adequate background music during a Roger Moore Bond film, but certainly not during the introduction to a Bond movie. Most songs are Celine Dion-esque and are about strong women looking for love, but probably only appeal to women that are nothing like that. I'm missing the genetics and personality to appreciate it.

I'm planning on at least making a real effort to see this idea through for a while, but this is an inauspicious beginning.

(* Ok, apparently Barry Gibb wrote all of the songs, so his contribution is greater than 2/9ths.)

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Volume Rendered Movies

It's show-and-tell time! Below are two movies I made using the volume rendering tools of yt. I've been using yt for a few years to analyze and visualize the cosmological simulations I make with Enzo, and only recently have I had time to begin to play with the new volume rendering stuff.

The first movie is a slow rotation around the entire volume of a simulation at a contemporary epoch, which means that this image is produced from the state of simulation at its end, 13 billion years after it started. The colors correspond to the density of matter in the volume, from dark blue to white as density increases. The simulation is a periodic cube with dimensions 20 Mpc/h on a side. In comparison, the diameter of our galaxy is somewhere around one thousand times smaller. This means that the whitest areas correspond to clusters of galaxies, and our galaxy would be just a small part of one of the white blobs. Be sure to watch the movie full screen!

Below shows the time evolution of the simulation from beginning to end. This is a thin slab of the center of the simulation (10% thickness) viewed from a corner of the cube. Notice that early on the matter is very clumpy everywhere, but rapidly forms dense knots connected by thin filaments. This is how the real universe looks! After about the half-way point of the movie you'll notice that not much happens. Again, this is how the real universe looks! Much of the large-scale evolution of the universe was finished about 7 billion years ago. This movie uses comoving coordinates, that compensate for the expansion of the universe. If I were to use proper coordinates, which are the kind we use every day to measure normal things with rulers, the movie would show the simulation starting very small and then blowing up. Again, use the full screen option for the best image.

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Eldorado Canyon Hike

Yesterday I hiked in Eldorado Canyon State Park with Melissa, Megan and Megan's significant other Chris. This park is just south of Boulder and like much of the front range offers spectacular views. This time of year the trees are well into changing color and dropping leaves. The occasion warranting a hike is that today is my birthday, and since I am all done with graduate school, I have free time to do this sort of thing.

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Super Awesome Car

I saw this on my walk to school this morning. I don't know if the scoop is operational, or if the exhaust really runs through the pipe below the door. The color isn't doing it any favors. I do like the white-wall tires, which are a nice and subtle touch (but they could use a wash).


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Back in San Diego (Temporarily)


I'm back in San Diego for the next week and a half in order to graduate. I defend in one week on the 27th. The photo above is of a tarantula that lives in the office that I used to sit in, and that I am sitting in again while I'm here. That is its full significance to this post.

If the tarantula isn't big enough above, you can make it bigger by clicking on the image!

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More Bragging

Today I rode "Super Walker" which means that I did the Walker Ranch loop starting from town rather than the trail head. It turns out that the ride really is super, and there is a huge amount of climbing. Over 5000 feet of climbing in 30 miles.

I am going to brag again about how amazing cycling is here, and show some more photos of some of the ride today. You may click on them to enlarge them. Below is South Boulder Creek, which a couple parts of the loop crosses and parallels. The water was moving at a good clip!

Walker Ranch etc

A view looking North-West from one of the ridge lines the trail follows.

Walker Ranch etc

This is looking roughly East, down into the plains South of Boulder in front of the mountains.

Walker Ranch etc

Often times, the warning signs along trails are overly-cautious. It's not that I think they don't apply to me, but once I've ridden a trail a few times, I can judge for myself how technical the trail is, or how fast to take a corner. As long as there is no one else on the trail, and I can see far enough forward to be safe, I go my own speed. On this trail, however, I do not have experience, so I decided to heed the warning.

Walker Ranch etc

This is one case where the warning sign is correct. These are the stairs immediately after the sign that are significantly steeper, with bigger vertical step sizes, than most people find comfortable. It's always tough to tell how steep things are in photos, but trust me, there is no chance I'll ever ride these stairs. The stairs go down to the canyon floor which has been carved by South Boulder Creek, and is very steep and rocky (as can be seen) on both sides. But the scenery is fantastic, so the inconvenience of the stairs is worth it!

Walker Ranch etc

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Busy Times in Colorado

It has been nearly a month a half since my last post about leaving San Diego, and we've finally made it to Boulder! Ok, actually it didn't take that long. It took us two days, with a stop overnight in Saint George, Utah. The long gap in posting is due to how busy I've been here in Boulder, which has been nearly entirely due to getting my thesis done, but also to a good deal of work getting the new apartment put together. Those things deserve their own posts, which may or may not happen.

What I would like to post here are some pictures I took on my bike ride yesterday. I am 99.7% done with the draft of my thesis which I'm sending to my advisors this weekend, so I figured I could take some time to ride my bike recreationally. This is a novelty for me recently. Come wintertime, I'm definitely going to miss the weather in San Diego, but right now, cycling here definitely beats San Diego. It takes less than ten minutes to get out of town onto roads like this:


or this:


or this where it feels like I can see all the way to Kansas over the plains:


I just wanted to share. Hopefully, now that the bulk of the thesis is done, I can enjoy this area a bit before winter hits!

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Leaving San Diego

Today we're driving from San Diego to Boulder. The various mapping services give the drive time on the order of seventeen and a half hours. Most of our things have been picked up by the movers and we're only carrying the things we need, can't replace, or is alive. The movers were supposed to have come yesterday so we could leave yesterday, but there was armageddon traffic on I-5 so they delayed coming today. The apartment is empty and we've turned in our keys.

Not really how it looks in the middle of July, although it did drizzle this morning

Not really how it looks in the middle of July, although it did drizzle this morning

I'm sad to leave San Diego, it has been a very good place to live for seven years. I'm leaving behinds lots of friends and a place I'm used to living with weather I like. Boulder is an exciting new place with new friends to make. It has four seasons, which will be a new thing for both of us. I don't know if we'll ever live in San Diego again, but I do want to come back and see my old friends and go for a bike ride with them.


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Tour Pool 2010

Tour de France

I've posted the 2010 Tour Pool results page. I did absolutely no research for my team, and I'll probably do just as well as all the other years I've participated. I have a few more sprinters than normal this time, so hopefully I'll get some more bonus time than what I usually get, which is very little.

For this year I bought a pass so I can watch the Tour online, live or time shifted after the daily stage is over, for something like $30. I feel that this is entirely appropriate because it jibes with my issues with subscription television. There are several channels on Cable/Satellite that I would like to have (Comedy Central, old SciFi (not the SyFy it has turned into), Versus, Discovery...), but the large majority I can do without. The media companies make it impossible to pick and choose the channels in an a-la-carte fashion, so I choose to have no subscription TV at all. Paying for this specific event just once, rather than month over month, allows me to view what I want, where I want, and it saves me money.

Oh, and I think Contador will win this year, and Lance will be top five.

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A Dream Realized

Last Thanksgiving I attempted to do a ride I have had in mind for a long time. There are four regional parks near to me, Peñasquitos, Sycamore Canyon, Mission Trails, and Marion Bear, that I have mountain biked in over the last few years. It occurred to me some time ago that I could make a loop of them and ride all four in one day. My attempt in November was unsuccessful - my route through Mission Trails was ill-chosen and it nearly killed me (OK, not really, but it was pretty awful). I decided to go directly home, skipping Marion Bear, and finished with only three of the four.

Today I, and my friend Stephen, accomplished the four-park ride. Most of the time and distance was off-road, although there is the inevitable on-road connecting sections. There were no crashes, although I nearly endoed at one point, and one pedal broke (his). Luckily it wasn't too hot out in Sycamore Canyon. I'm tired, of course, but happy that I finally accomplished it.

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Boulder Panorama

Boulder Pano

This was taken on Flagstaff Rd above Boulder looking to the East.

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Kilometers and Memories

Old Shorts

Above are my cycling shorts that are too old, too thin, too ripped and too transparent to wear anymore. For precisely the same reason I should get rid of them, I want to keep them. I have ridden many kilometers wearing these shorts (at least 30,000 kilometers worth in this photo, likely much more) and made lots of memories. All of my Cal Cycling shorts, and most of my UCSD Cycling shorts are worn out. But they are taking up space, and I can't imagine wearing them ever again. I intend on eventually purchasing new kits from my former cycling teams to replace these, but it won't be the same. I am in mourning.

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Now that Melissa works at home, she can see what goes on during the day at the Mesa apartments. A few days ago she saw a whole flock of these birds above come through and decided to take some photos of them. However she (and I cannot) identify them. She thinks it's a transient, on it's way somewhere else because it wasn't in the San Diego bird book.

I've named the bird "Polly", and I bet it wants a cracker.

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Snowy Boulder

Snowy Boulder

I just got back from Boulder, Colorado. Although I was there for less than 48 hours, I happened to arrive just as a big spring snow storm arrived. Above is the view from my hotel room in the morning after the storm. Even though it is already late March, this storm was heavy enough to create quite a mess. Roads were closed and fallen tree branches knocked out power. The change from what I'm used to in San Diego was quite startling.

Oh - and this is my first post since November!

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Thanksgiving Dinner 2009


Turkey sandwiches with heirloom tomatoes and country bread, and homemade french fries. For two.

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